- Jul062016Wednesday8:30 pm program
- Rome
- Italy
- Pontificio Collegio Irlandese
- Via dei Santi Quattro, 1
Rome, July 6, 2016
Gustav Holst St. Paul’s Suite (quintet) Hommage to Ireland
Rossini – Pegoraro Overture from Il barbiere di Siviglia (piano)
Johannes Brahms Scherzo from Piano Quintet Op. 34 in fa minor
Johannes Brahms danze ungheresi 1-6-5
Pegoraro – Porzio Fantasy of famour arias from operas by Verdi, Puccini, Rossini (piano)
Georges Bizet Carmen Suite
Astor Piazzolla Oblivion – Libertango
Morricone – Porzio Fantasy of movie soundtracks
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Rondo Alla Turca
Pietro Mascagni intermezzo from Cavalleria Rusticana
Johann Strauss Radetzky MarchCarlo Maria Parazzoli, Paolo Piomboni violin
Luca Sanzo’ viola
Diego Romano violoncello
Antonio Sciancalepore doublebass
Cristiana Pegoraro piano
Lorenzo Porzio piano and conductor - Jul022016Saturday9:00 pm program
- Avella
- Italy
- Anfiteatro Romano
- tickets: free admission
Avella, July 2, 2016
×Le parole di Oriana
Omaggio a Fallaci in Concertodi e con Maria Rosaria Omaggio
al pianoforte Cristiana Pegoraro - Jun232016Thursday7:00 pm program
- Rome
- Italy
- Circolo Canottieri Aniene
- Lungotevere dell'Acqua Acetosa 119
- tickets: free admission
Rome, June 23, 2016
×Jenkins – Palladio
Holst – St. Paul’s Suite
Bizet – Carmen Fantasy
Brahms – Hungarian Dances N.1, N.6, N.5
Morricone – Gabriel’s oboe
Morricone – La leggenda del pianista sull’oceano
Zimmer – Pirates of the Caribbean
Piazzolla – LibertangoCristiana Pegoraro, piano
Orchestra Filarmonica Città di Roma
Lorenzo Porzio, conductor - May222016Sunday7:30 pm program
- Rome
- Italy
- Interno Musica Sforza
- the address will be released upon reservation
- tickets: €20.00 - Musicians €10.00 - Youth up to 16 years of age free entrance. The ticket includes dinner after the concert
- Reservation required. Info and reservations: 335 6162749
- internomusicasforza@gmail.com
Rome, May 22, 2016
×Frederic Chopin: the poet of the piano
Celebrated pianist/composer Cristiana Pegoraro invites music lovers to experience a concert in an innovative setting. You’ll enjoy a musical dialogue that combines sparkling performances of major works illustrating Chopin’s creativity and innovations, with an engaging overview of the composer’s life and times.
- May192016Thursday10:30 am program
- Terni
- Italy
- Auditorium Gazzoli
- Via del Teatro
- tickets: free admission
- Matinée for the schools
Terni, May 19, 2016
×Frederic Chopin: the poet of the piano
Celebrated pianist/composer Cristiana Pegoraro invites music lovers to experience a concert in an innovative setting. You’ll enjoy a musical dialogue that combines sparkling performances of major works illustrating Chopin’s creativity and innovations, with an engaging overview of the composer’s life and times.
- May172016Tuesday9:00 pm program
- Terni
- Italy
- Auditorium Gazzoli
- Via del Teatro
- tickets: €11.00
Terni, May 17, 2016
×Concert for AIDO
“Frederic Chopin, the poet of the piano”Celebrated pianist/composer Cristiana Pegoraro invites music lovers to experience a concert in an innovative setting. You’ll enjoy a musical dialogue that combines sparkling performances of major works illustrating Chopin’s creativity and innovations, with an engaging overview of the composer’s life and times.
- May162016Monday8:30 pm program
- Perugia
- Italy
- Sala dei Notari
- Piazza Quattro Novembre
- tickets: Free offer €20.00 minimum
- Info and Reservations: 075 5156064
- segreteria-rotaryclub@consultaumbria.com
Perugia, May 16, 2016
דChopin, the poet of the piano”
Celebrated pianist/composer Cristiana Pegoraro invites music lovers to experience a concert in an innovative setting. You’ll enjoy a musical dialogue that combines sparkling performances of major works illustrating Chopin’s creativity and innovations, with an engaging overview of the composer’s life and times.
- May152016Sunday5:00 pm program
- Rome
- Italy
- Salone d'Onore - Palazzo Braschi
- Piazza S. Pantaleo, 10 (Piazza Navona)
- tickets: free admission to the concert - admission to the museum € 10.00
Rome, May 15, 2016
דChopin, the poet of the piano”
Celebrated pianist/composer Cristiana Pegoraro invites music lovers to experience a concert in an innovative setting. You’ll enjoy a musical dialogue that combines sparkling performances of major works illustrating Chopin’s creativity and innovations, with an engaging overview of the composer’s life and times.
- Apr192016Tuesday9:00 pm program
- Terni
- Italy
- Auditorium Gazzoli
- Via del Teatro
- tickets: €15.00 - €10.00 for members - Students free admission
- Info and reservations
- +39 0744 403132
- +39 0744 7228822
- narniaartsacademy@gmail.com
Terni, April 19, 2016
D. Scarlatti Sonatas
L. van Beethoven Sonata Op.27 N.2 “Moonlight”
C. Pegoraro The Wind and the Sea
G. Rossini/C. Pegoraro Overture from “Il Barbiere di Siviglia”
G. Bizet/C. Pegoraro Carmen Fantasy
C. Pegoraro Medley of famous arias from Italian operas by Verdi, Puccini, Rossini - Apr142016Thursday8:00 pm program
- New York
- NY
- Private Event
New York, April 14, 2016
D. Scarlatti: Sonatas
L. van Beethoven: Sonata Op.27 N.2 “Moonlight”
G. Rossini / C. Pegoraro: Overture from “Il Barbiere di Siviglia”
G. Bizet / C. Pegoraro: Carmen Fantasy
C. Pegoraro: Medley of famous arias from Italian operas by Verdi, Puccini, Rossini