![[cml_media_alt id='1822']recensioni-3[/cml_media_alt]](https://www.cristianapegoraro.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/recensioni-3.jpg)
Cristiana has been garnering rave reviews from all over the world. Here’s just a few:
Sold out the concert of Cristiana Pegoraro in New York. The pianist presented her own composition “Colors of Love”. The video got 50 thousand views on the web.
Corriere dell’Umbria, Italy, 2023
“…An artist who is able to seduce the audience with her explosive talent and to translate a simple score into pure and authentic poetry…”
Quotidiano.net, Italy, 2020
“…Cristiana Pegoraro as a soloist at the piano was outstanding, excellent both from a technical and interpretive point of view…” (Cristiana Pegoraro and La Camerata Ducale performed all five Beethoven’s piano concertos)
La Gazzetta di Parma, Italy, 2020
“…As an interpreter of the classics, she evokes the artistic ethos of Paderewski. As an arranger of operatic fantasies, she can win over any audience. Finally, as a composer, she has a clear vision of all things human….”
Piedmont Post, USA, 2019
“…Freshness and joy of life: Pegoraro “re-reads” Vivaldi’s Seasons… Pegoraro’s virtue and technique don’t we discover certainly today. What continues to surprise us is her natural ability to re-reading and re-writing which makes the works she interprets “new”, offering that indescribable feeling to hear them for the first time…”
Oggi7, USA, 2019
“…Her own composition ‘The Wind and the Sea’ is worthy an Academy Award. The audience loved it…”
Piedmont Post, USA, 2017
“…Wonderfully warm, charismatic and communicative… It was a great evening…”
Delaware and Hudson Canvas, USA, 2016
“… A pianist with a refined technique who is also an accomplished composer… Each one of her concerts is an opportunity not to be missed…”
America Oggi, USA, 2016
“…Masterful the performances of Cristiana Pegoraro, who confirmed to be an artist of refined sensibility and brilliant virtuosism…”
La Goccia, Italy, 2015
“…With the music of Piazzolla, Cristiana Pegoraro literally enchanted the audience…”
Il Tempo, Italy, 2015
“…Ms. Pegoraro is a skilled virtuoso, and communicates with intense concentration and heartfelt passion…”
The Catskill Chronicle, USA, 2014
“…Pianist Cristiana Pegoraro, considered to be among the most interesting and versatile performers of her generation, has been named the recipient of Rome’s Premio Simpatia. The Premio Simpatia is awarded to performing artists, authors, ambassadors and sports figures who exemplify a commitment to Italy, and was conceived in recognition “of individuals who enrich and exalt the essential values of life through their work. Past recipients include Directors Federico Fellini and Franco Zeffirelli, Actor Sofia Loren and Nobel Laureate Dario Fo…”
America Oggi, USA, 2013
“…The three Sonatas are presented in all their splendor with flawless technique, a rare, beautiful tone, admirable explanatory depth, and wise use of the pedal…”
Il Sole 24 Ore, Italy, 2011
“…Thunderous applause, and a cascade of calls for encores after which, with the entire audience in standing ovation, Cristiana Pegoraro left the city of Virgil…”
La voce di Mantova, Italy, 2011
“…A performance that moves, relaxes and exalts at the same time, a Beethoven that is reborn, with all his emotional charge…”
Parma Today, Italy, 2010
“…Expressions of a constant emotion, an intoxicating, geometrically defined, kaleidoscope–varied and rigorous at the same time. During a clear, polished and passionate reading (of the Beethoven Sonatas), able to ignite every cell with vital thrill, Cristiana Pegoraro demonstrated that for the highest interpreter no page is off limits…”
Mantova chiama Garda, Italy, 2010
“…Cristiana continues to seduce her audiences with her abundant talent, her mastery, her virtuosic touch and her expressive maturity, which can translate a simple score into authentic poetry…”
Corriere dell’Umbria, Italy, 2009
“…Like a capable jeweler, she presents the lesser know sonatas in a way that transforms them into precious stones that shine in a marvelous way…”
Hellweger Anzeiger, Germany, 2009
“…Ten seconds between the last note and the clapping of the hands. Ten seconds of magic and then the ovation for a true, great artist…”
Il Giornale dell’Umbria, Italy, 2009
“…Ms. Pegoraro played with such brilliance and passion that she absolutely mesmerized the crowd…”
Naples Daily News, USA, 2006
“…An absolute triumph… the right entree into the pantheon of the music of our time…”
America Oggi, New York, USA, 2005
“…To define Pegoraro as a good pianist, is an understatement. Her masterful interpretations were overwhelming and left the listener breathless…”
“…With her inspiring personality, Pegoraro transmits an intensity that is hard to find in concert halls today…”
“…Pegoraro’s highly effective arrangements for solo piano (Astor Piazzolla – Tangos) demonstrated a mastery of the craft…The last selection in particular, entitled Libertango, was virtually overpowering in its relentless intensity…”
“…Her musical instinct is a treasure, an instinct that fascinates you from the very first moment…”
“…Cristiana Pegoraro plays not only with brilliance, but with a most engaging finesse…”
“…In syncopated accents, accelerations, faded tones, in everything that is close to dance, Pegoraro plays with the heart…”
“…A very good piano recital that no admirer of the composer can go wrong with…”
“…Her piano artistry displays a true athleticism of the instrument…”
“…An Italian bundle of energy at the keyboard, she unlocks the sounds of old masters from the instrument, in a highly individual manner…”
“…Cristiana Pegoraro enchants the listener with the tools of an undisputed mastery of the instrument and a highly respectable musicality…”
“…An artist of the highest caliber…”
“…An absolute mastery of pianistic skills, a broad spectrum of touch, a sense for nuances and details make listening to this CD an uncompromised joy…”
“…With highest technical perfection and deepest emotional involvement she manages to play the Sonatas Op.109, Op.110 and Op.111 with so great an interpretation, that she is coming up to every expectations…”
“…She moves towards piano mastery from music, and towards music from her life, through the prism of her own personality…She brings to the listeners that passionate youthful love for life which is the secret of her artistic charm…”
“…The young artist captures the listener with incomparable passion…Another proof that classical music can be very lively and seductive…”
“…Her Beethoven possesses the right virtuosic tension and the intuitive genius of someone who belongs to a privileged class…”
“…The Italian artist is not only perfect in her performance, but we find even more impressive the mastery of her interpretations, her temperament and her great musicality…”
“…Cristiana Pegoraro astonished everyone with her expression and bravura that clearly demonstrates an immense capacity and versatility…”
“…She has an astonishing range of colors, an enviable stylistic maturity. Her spiritual communication and her phrasing are superb…”