Past Performances


  • Jan212017Saturday8:30 pm program
    • Fidenza (PR)
    • Italy
    • Teatro Magnani
    • Piazza Verdi
    • tickets: € 20.00 - Studenti distretto Fidenza € 5.00
    • The ticket office at the theater is open Jan. 18-19-20 from 4.30pm to 6.30pm Jan.21 from 4.30pm to 8.30pm. Reservations: 340-2224966
    • Info Teatro Magnani: 0524 - 517510

    Fidenza (PR), January 21, 2017


    Tchaikowski – Symphony No.6
    Tchaikowski – Piano Concerto No.1

    Orchestra Sinfonica Teatro Carlo Coccia – Novara
    Cristiana Pegoraro, piano
    Lorenzo Porzio, conductor

  • Jan132017Friday9:00 pm program
    • Terni
    • Italy
    • Cathedral
    • tickets: free admission

    Terni, January 13, 2017


    Tchaikovsky – Concerto N.1 for piano and orchestra
    (transcription for string quintet by Jeremy Liu)

    Corrado Stocchi, Eunice Cangianiello, violin
    Nicola Narduzzi, viola
    Alessandro Muller, violoncello
    Mayra Pedrosa, double bass

    Cristiana Pegoraro, piano

    We thank Rassegna “I fiori della musica” and Paolo Campanini for the transcription for string quintet

  • Dec102016Saturday9:00 pm program
    • Narni
    • Italy
    • Cathedral
    • tickets: €10.00 - Kids under 12: free
    • Buy Tickets at
    • NARNI: Agenzia Immobiliare Bonifazi in Via Roma, 42
    • Foto Video Narni - Piazza Garibaldi, 20
    • SAN GEMINI: Agenzia Immobiliare Bonifazi in Via Casventino, 15/B
    • AMELIA: Agenzia Immobiliare Bonifazi in Via delle Rimembranze, 22
    • TERNI: Agenzie Immobiliari Bonifazi in Via Roma, 207 - in Viale della Stazione, 44 - in P.zza Adriatico, 1

    Narni, December 10, 2016


    Christmas Concert “Suoni per il Mondo – 1MattonexBatouri”

    G. Rossini/C. Pegoraro Overture from “Il Barbiere di Siviglia”
    L. van Beethoven Sonata Op. 27 N. 2 “Moonlight”
    F. Chopin Nocturne Op. Post., Etude Op.25 N.1, Etude Op.10 N.12 “Revolutionary”
    C. Pegoraro The Wind and the Sea
    C. Pegoraro Fantasy of arias from operas by Verdi, Puccini, Rossini

  • Dec062016Tuesday9:00 pm program
    • Rome
    • Italy
    • Auditorium Ars Medica
    • Via Cesare Ferrero di Cambiano 27/A
    • tickets: € 15.00

    Rome, December 6, 2016


    The Embrace of two pianos between classical music and jazz
    Cristiana Pegoraro – Danilo Rea

    Bach – Prelude in C Major
    Bach – Prelude in C Minor
    Handel – Lascia ch’io pianga from Rinaldo
    Beethoven – “The Storm” Sonata Op.31 N.2, last movement Allegretto
    Beethoven – “Moonlight” Sonata Op.27 N.1, first movement Adagio sostenuto
    Mozart – Rondo Alla Turca
    Chick Corea – Children Songs in C Major and A Minor
    Chopin Preludes Op.28 N.4 and N.20
    Chopin – Polish Song Frühling (Spring)
    Bizet/Pegoraro – Carmen Fantasy
    Rossini – Improvisation on The Barber of Seville

  • Dec042016Sunday7:00 pm program
    • Rome
    • Italy
    • Circolo del Ministero degli Affari Esteri, Lungotevere dell'Acqua Acetosa, 42
    • Private event esclusive for members of the Associazione Italia - Austria

    Rome, December 4, 2016


    “Non ero carina, ero peggio”
    La vita straordinaria di Pauline Metternich-Sandor

    Program of the music which will be performed at the piano:
    Rossini – Overture from Il Barbiere di Siviglia
    Schubert/Liszt – Ständchen
    Wagner – Albumblatt für Fürstin Pauline Metternich
    Rossini/Liszt – La Carità
    Schubert/Liszt – Soirée de Vienne, Valse Caprice N.6
    Ziehrer – Alt Wiener Jause
    Strauss – Wiener Bonbons

  • Nov162016Wednesday5:30 pm program
    • Rome
    • Italy
    • Casa dell'Aviatore
    • Viale dell'Universita' 20
    • tickets: €25.00 (concert+dinner)
    • Info and reservations: 333 1428107

    Rome, November 16, 2016


    G. Rossini / C. Pegoraro – Ouverture da “Il Barbiere di Siviglia”
    F. Chopin – Notturno Op. Post. – Studio Op.25 N.1 – Studio Op.10 N.12 “Rivoluzionario”
    C. Pegoraro – Fantasia di arie da opere di Verdi, Puccini, Rossini
    A. Piazzolla – Tanghi: Chau Paris, Milonga del Angel, La Muerte del Angel, Violentango
    C. Pegoraro – The Wind and the Sea
    G. Bizet / C. Pegoraro – Carmen Fantasy

  • Oct272016Thursday9:00 pm program
    • Rome
    • Italy
    • Auditorium Parco della Musica
    • Sala Petrassi
    • tickets: € 15.00 - Discounted tickets € 12.00 - you need to book via email at or (ONLY via sms) at 392 7037717 specifying name and number of tickets
    buy tickets
    • Info: Tel. 06 892.101 (Auditorium)

    Rome, October 27, 2016


    Le parole di Oriana
    Omaggio a Fallaci in Concerto

    with Maria Rosaria Omaggio
    Cristiana Pegoraro, piano

  • Oct202016Thursday7:00 pm program
    • Scarsdale
    • NY
    • USA
    • Scarsdale Public Library
    • 54 Olmsted Road
    • tickets: $25
    buy tickets
    • Tel. (914) 723-2325

    Scarsdale, October 20, 2016


    Join internationally acclaimed Italian pianist, composer and writer Cristiana Pegoraro in a refreshing format that combines live piano performances and commentary. The program features works by Rossini, Beethoven, Morricone, Verdi, Puccini, Bizet, and tangos written by Astor Paizzolla and Pegoraro herself. Join us for an evening concert in an intimate setting filled with Pegoraro’s deep passion and enthusiasm for music.

    Rossini/Pegoraro – Overture from Il barbiere di Siviglia
    Beethoven – Sonata Op.57 Appassionata
    Pegoraro – Fantasy of arias from operas by Verdi, Puccini, Rossini
    Chopin – Nocturne in C# min. Op. Post.
    Chopin – Etude Op.25 N.1
    Chopin – Etude Op.10 N.12
    Chopin – Ballade Op.47
    Bizet/Pegoraro – Carmen Fantasy
    Piazzolla/Pegoraro – Tangos

  • Oct192016Wednesday8:00 pm program
    • New York
    • NY
    • Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall
    • 154 West 57th Street
    • tickets: $75, $50, $25
    • CarnegieCharge +1 212 2477800

    New York, October 19, 2016


    Rossini/Pegoraro – Overture from Il barbiere di Siviglia
    Beethoven – Sonata Op.57 Appassionata
    Pegoraro/Porzio – Fantasy of arias from operas by Verdi, Puccini, Rossini
    Piazzolla/Pegoraro – Tangos
    Pegoraro – The Wind and the Sea
    Bizet/Pegoraro – Carmen Fantasy

  • Oct132016Thursday7:00 pm program
    • Ledyard
    • CT
    • USA
    • 10 Windward Lane
    • tickets: free admission

    Ledyard, October 13, 2016


    Rossini/Pegoraro – Overture from Il barbiere di Siviglia
    Beethoven – Sonata Op.57 Appassionata
    Pegoraro – Fantasy of arias from operas by Verdi, Puccini, Rossini
    Piazzolla/Pegoraro – Tangos
    Pegoraro – The Wind and the Sea
    Bizet/Pegoraro – Carmen Fantasy